To block a user you are already talking to, open up your chat with the user and tap on the three dots on the top right hand corner. After tapping, you will see a “Block User” option at the bottom of your screen. Tap Block User if you wish to block them.
The user will now be removed from your home page and be sent to your Blocked Users, which can be found in Settings.
Unblocking Users
There are two ways to unblock a user.
1) The first way can be done from the Blocked Users screen, found in Settings. Simply tap on the user. Here you will see a pop up where you will be able to unblock the user.
2) The second option is to search for the user by tapping on the search icon on the bottom left hand corner of your home screen. This will present the search page. Here you can type to find the user you are looking to unblock. Locate their account, tap on their name, which will bring up the chat. Now you can tap the unblock button at the bottom of the screen.