Forgot your password?

Don’t worry, happens to the best of us!

If you forgot your password..

  1. Tap Log In.

  2. Tap Forgot Password Button.

  3. Enter your email address that you used to sign up to Catchups.

  4. Tap Submit.

  5. You will receive an alert saying “Success! We have sent you an email to help reset your password.” If you did not receive this alert, this means you entered the email address incorrectly or you entered an email address that does not exist.

  6. Log in to your email address.

  7. Open the email that was sent (Sender will be Catchups).

  8. Tap on the link provided to help reset your password - you will see a confirmation screen.

  9. Enter new password and Save.

  10. Go back to the app.

  11. Enter your email address and new password.